It's almost time to take action to liberate sleep apnea patients from the masks, the cords, and the hoses. 

Thank you for all of your support and interest in Airing. We've done our best to build support for our Indiegogo campaign with sleep apnea sufferers to raise money to build a working prototype. And on Monday morning we turn to you.

In one sense, we are all now strangers, but in working together to address the needs of millions of sleep apnea sufferers, we will become a community in the best sense of that word. Here's how it will work.

"Contribute Now" button.

When you get to the Indiegogo site (url below), you will see a "Contribute Now" button on the right hand side. Click that and follow the instructions to contribute whatever amount you can. 

Take advantage of our Perks.

You will also be able to choose from several "Perks" (an Indiegogo term). We’re planning several exciting Perks ranging from pre-buying various quantities of Airing product at deep discounts to buying into participation in product research to influencing sustainability options to several other surprises we’ll leave until Monday. Again, you will also be able to contribute any dollar amount you wish without associated Perks by clicking "Contribute Now."

What will happen on Monday.

On Monday morning at exactly 9:00 EST the Airing Indiegogo site will go live. That's when you can go in, contribute, and help make Airing happen.

Airing's Indiegogo site is at: or click the button below:


(note this URL will NOT WORK until the campaign goes live on Monday, but we wanted you to have it now).

On the Airing Indiegogo site, there will be a video we've been dying to share with you, but have been holding it back until Monday. There will be a technology video to explain the physics behind our micro-blowers technology. There will be reports from doctors, product specs, bios from the executive team at Airing, the list of Perks, everything.

Here’s a teaser video to get you excited:

We invite you to peruse it all and let the profound significance of what Airing could mean to millions of people sink in. And then, of course, we invite you to pick a Perk and help make Airing happen! And we understand from our Indiegogo contacts that early success in the campaign yields more success. So please, if you do plan to contribute, please do so as soon after 9:00 a.m. EST as possible on Monday.

And then...if it's not too much to ask send the link to all of your friends and make your involvement exponential. 

Yes, it's time to liberate sleep apnea patients from the masks, the cords and the hoses. We can do this. We know we can do this. But only with your help. 

The Airing fundraising campaign is now live on Indiegogo.

Click to contribute today!